After several visits to the paint shop whilst the chassis was in and numerous talks about what should be painted and how. I wanted to get as close to "Factory" style finish as possible, so this involved researching the web to find out lots of things, whether to paint he inside of the wings or not for example. Things that you would never consider if it had arrived painted! :-)
Due to work commitments and working away I wasn't able to pick it up as soon as it was ready!
As you can see from the pictures is was in the paint shop with good company, sat in between a E-Type Jag and a 1970 Maserati Ghibli both in for restoration work. Also in the workshop were a Porsche 993 (last air cooled) race car, a Jaguar Mk2, a VW Camper and 2 Lambrettas!
Maserati Ghibli |
Jaguar E Type |
Custom Painted Lambretta |
One of my wheels?! I'll let you decide. :-) |
Nose Cone & Wings sat with the left over paint |
On the movable axle stands - Made unloading a lot easier. :-) |
Any guesses as to what colour it is?! (Those of you who don't already know)
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